Recommendations in recent Ofsted inspections for group based settings in Shropshire 2024 - 2025

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should:

Learning and development:

  • Provide children with clear explanations to help them to extend their understanding and learning even further
  • Support staff to consider how to extend learning opportunities to fully challenge the most able children, including the planning of adult-led group activities.
  • Refine the curriculum to identify a precise sequence of knowledge, skills and coverage across all key learning areas for children.
  • Develop pre-school children's independence skills even further at mealtimes by allowing them to manage tasks they are capable of completing themselves.
  • Consider the organisation of mealtimes in pre-school to minimise long waiting times.

Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements:

Supporting and understanding children's behaviour:

  • Develop and consistently apply clear expectations for children's behaviour so that they understand the rules and boundaries of the setting and are supported to behave consistently well.

Supervision of staff:

  • Build on the arrangements for the supervision, support and monitoring of staff to accurately identify ways to enhance teaching further including identifying areas for professional development.