Birth to 3-year-olds


The key person approach is crucial in early years settings, ensuring a loving and close relationship between the child, their parents / carers and staff. This approach involves a close triangular attachment between the child, the key person and the child's parents / carers.

Effective practitioners are responsive to children and babies, noticing their reactions and ensuring high-quality care. This approach is essential for fostering a positive and nurturing environment for young children.

When working with babies, the key person should:

  • Communicate warmth and respect
  • Use personal care time for interaction
  • Share high-quality books daily
  • Provide comfortable, interactive play areas
  • Enhance learning environments
  • Provide daily physical activity opportunities.

VODCAST - Responding to Babies' Cries How to recognise the cause of a babies' distress, and how Early Years Educators can sooth them. Responding to Babies’ Cries – A Guide for Early Years Educators - Foundation Years

VODCAST - The Importance of Positive Interactions on Baby Brain Development How Early Years Educators can make a difference through fostering positive interactions with babies in their settings. The Importance of Positive Interactions on Baby Brain Development - Foundation Years

NEW webpage - Shropshire's Best Start in Life Programme Information and link to resources supporting parent carers from Pregnancy and preparing for birth, New-born baby, Babies aged 6-12 weeks, Babies aged 3-6 months, Babies aged 7-12 months, Children aged over one year, Children aged over two years and Children aged 3-5 years. Shropshire Best Start in Life Programme | Shropshire Council



Toddlers' learning and development are greatly influenced by loving relationships, communication and the physical and emotional environments they are exposed to. The brain is developing rapidly, but is focused on organising the frantic activity.

To support toddlers, the key person should:

  • Provide a secure base
  • Organise spaces for exploration
  • Plan daily sensory experiences
  • Share high-quality books daily
  • Encourage schematic play
  • Provide daily physical activity opportunities.

The activities help build connections in the brain and promote physical activity and exploration. Overall, providing a supportive environment is crucial for toddlers' well-being.

Little Moments Together cards | National Literacy Trust This free resource is designed to support parents and carers of 0-2-year-olds to talk more with their children during day-to-day activities. There are two versions of the cards, one with a guide range of 0-9 months and another for 10-12 months. They will soon be available to download in an additional 18 languages.

The First 1000 Days - designing your nursery with baby's brain development in mind

"Babies need to learn everything, and the environment we provide either facilitates this learning or hinders it."

This article looks at the latest research on early brain development and the design of your enabling environment, to create a space for babies to flourish and grow during these critical days.

How I learn and grow Learning happens everywhere and all the time for babies, toddlers and pre-schooler children. Find out more from the information provided in the link How I learn and grow | Shropshire Council

Links to further resources

Progress check at two

Guidance to provide support for early years practitioners when completing the EYFS progress check at age 2.

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