
The EYFS sets the standards for children's learning, development and care from birth to five. Ofsted inspects educational institutions including registered schools and childcare settings, against the EYFS statutory framework.

Education inspection framework (EIS)

Inspectors will make graded judgements in the following areas:

  • The quality of education (including how well leaders use the curriculum to enhance the experience and opportunities available to children, particularly the disadvantaged to prepare them for future success – cultural capital)
  • Behaviour and attitudes
  • Personal development
  • Leadership and management
  • Early years provision (schools only) Education inspection framework (EIF) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Early years provision (private, voluntary, independent settings)

Continued focus on safeguarding built around three core areas – identify, help, manage. Inspectors will judge whether safeguarding is effective or ineffective.

  • Puts the curriculum at the heart of the framework.
  • Puts more emphasis on the quality of education and care. Inspectors will consider children’s experiences and how their learning is being developed.
  • Reduces the focus on data, particularly internal progress data, reducing unnecessary workload for childcare providers.
  • Confirms there is no need for there to be a breach of a statutory requirement for provision to be judged Requires Improvement. Early years inspection handbook - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Early years provision in schools

Early years provision in schools in the EIS framework is judged under the Schools inspection handbook, for section 5 and section 8 inspections. This covers all early years in schools, including two-year olds.

In the current inspection framework, Ofsted will perform deep dives into different curriculum areas. However from September 2024, inspectors will no longer conduct subject deep dives during ungraded inspections, which are designed to check on standards in schools that already carry a good or outstanding grade. School inspection handbook - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Inspectors will look at early reading and phonics in reception. "Inspectors will want to understand how schools design the reading curriculum to give children the best start in Reception, so that they are well on the way to becoming fluent readers." The EYFS in schools - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Childminders and out-of-school settings

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Group based settings

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School based settings and Reception

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