Recommendations in recent Ofsted inspections for group based settings in Shropshire

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should:

  • Improve the monitoring of the impact that teaching and education programmes
    have on children's learning to inform staff's professional development and
    provide children with consistently good learning experiences.
  • Build on staff's teaching skills so that learning intentions are consistently
    supported during play and activities.
  • Provide more opportunities for children to hear the language of mathematics as
    they play and learn.
  • Evaluate the continuous provision to ensure that younger children are
    consistently engaged in purposeful play.
  • Develop a stronger oversight of staff practice to further support the quality of
    teaching and learning.
  • Support staff to develop their teaching skills even further so that they
    consistently challenge and stretch children's learning.
  • Build on the information exchanged with parents to promote and extend
    continuity in children's learning.
  • Improve the organisation of activities and key group times with an aim to ensure
    that all children's learning is maximised.
  • Support staff to model language correctly to children as they play in order to
    build on children's vocabulary and language development.
  • Support staff to adapt their teaching practice, particularly when they
    communicate with babies and younger children, to help promote children's
    language development.
  • Review how staff working with younger children plan for their next steps in
    learning to consistently provide them with even more challenge to enable them
    to make the best possible progress.
  • Build on how staff plan the outdoor provision to ensure that it consistently meets
    the needs of the children who prefer to play and learn outdoors.
  • Organise large-group or circle time activities better with an aim to support all children to sustain high levels of engagement. (June 2024)
  • Support staff to provide children with the specific knowledge and skills they require as they attempt to complete tasks for themselves. (June 2024)
  • Revise the curriculum so that this precisely identifies the knowledge and the skills children need to gain as they progress. (June 2024)
  • Increase the monitoring of the quality of teaching and learning to ensure that staff provide children with the highest quality of education throughout the nursery. (June 2024)

To meet the requirements of the EYFS the provider must:

  • Ensure all staff understand the curriculum intent and implement this to help children make good progress in their learning and development. (June 2024)
  • Ensure there is an effective key person system in place to ensure children are able to build settled relationships with familiar adults and form relationships with their parents. (June 2024)
  • Improve the transition arrangements for children who are new to the setting or move to a new room to ensure all children’s emotional needs are met. (June 2024)
  • Provide staff with effective support and coaching to help them improve their teaching skills  to at least a good level. (June 2024)