Education Access Service

School Attendance, Permanent Exclusions, Suspensions, Elective Home Education, Child Missing Education, Child Employment and Performance Licensing

We have had to remove the link to our online form for exclusions, this will be up and running again shortly. Thank you for your understanding.


Our team provides Inclusion Support Services and Education Welfare Support through a wealth of highly knowledgeable and skilled staff. Our aim is to continually improve the outcomes for pupils with behavioural, emotional and social difficulties and to improve school attendance, safeguarding all pupils, helping to raise attainment. 

Our features



Guidance and support for school attendance from the Education Access and Inclusion Service

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Guidance and information on permanent exclusions and suspensions

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Pupil Planning Meeting

Guidance and documentation in relation to pupil planning meetings.

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Inclusion Advice Forum

Guidance for schools on accessing the Inclusion Advice Forum

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Fair Access Panel

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Children Missing Education

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Elective Home Education

Guidance on Elective Home Education

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