CLEAPSS is an organisation which provides advice and support for practical science and technology to schools with pupils of all ages (Early Years through to Sixth Form). It is based at Brunel University in Uxbridge.
Support covers:
- Science and technology equipment & materials including chemicals and living organisms.
- Health & safety including risk assessment.
- How to do practical activities.
- For secondary school members CLEAPSS also offers advice on laboratories, workshops and the work of technicians.
- Services are available to teachers, technicians, school leaders, local authority officers and others whose work concerns school and college science.
What does CLEAPSS provide?
- termly newsletters for primary and secondary schools,
- a range of free publications,
- model risk assessments and special risk assessments,
- a science resources CD (secondary schools only),
- a D&T resources CD (secondary schools only),,
- low-cost training courses for technicians and teachers,
- a telephone Helpline which takes almost 7000 calls per year (see Tel. number below),
- a monitoring service, eg, for mercury spills,
- evaluations of equipment,
- discounts from some suppliers,
- advice on repairs.
CLEAPSS is particularly important to teachers with regard to risk assessment. If teachers have followed advice and guidance offered by CLEAPSS and the Local Authority and have put the necessary controls and precautions in place, and despite all of this an accident occurs, teachers cannot be deemed to have been negligent.
How to contact CLEAPSS
Telephone: 01895 251496
Postal address is:
Units 5 and 6 Chiltern Court
Asheridge Road
By January 31st 2025 all staff will need to have set up an individual login to continue to access CLEAPSS services.
What you need to do:
- Someone from your school will need to activate your CLEAPSS account by visiting the link
- For secondary schools - this could be the head of department or the senior technician in the science, D&T or art departments, or someone from the senior leadership team who leads on safety matters in the school.
- For primary schools - this could be the headteacher or another person with overall responsibility for health and safety matters.
- Remember that CLEAPSS advice covers design and technology, food and art as well as science. Teachers and technicians from these departments need to be invited too. Site Managers and H&S officers will also find our resources useful.
- If you are the list administrator or default contact you need to invite all staff members who require access to CLEAPSS services. You can use the bulk invite feature to help with this.
- For further information please search “individual logins FAQ” on any of our websites.
- The set-up process usually takes around 10 minutes to complete.
If you have any questions, please contact CLEAPSS by email or call the CLEAPSS Helpline on 01895 251496.