Parent Governor Representatives (PGR) election - for the People Overview Committee (Scrutiny)

Parent Governor Representatives (PGR) - the People Overview Committee (Scrutiny)

Parent Governor Representatives are elected to serve on the Council's People Overview Committee which is focussed on ways for the Council and its partners to improve local services and make a positive, sustained difference to the quality of life for local people.

In Shropshire two Parent Governor Representatives (PGR's) are democratically elected by parent governors themselves and serve for a four-year period.

About the role

The role of the PGR is to:

  • act as an apolitical voice for parents in Shropshire, representing to the Council the main educational issues which concern parents of pupils in schools maintained by the Council;
  • liaise with the other PGR on the People Overview Committee;
  • attend and contribute to the meetings of the Children's Services Overview Committee, and any working group meetings that might be set up by that committee and to which they may be appointed as a representative
  • establish good relations with other members and officers;
  • feed back to the Council's discussions of and decisions on education to parents;
  • abide by the Council's Procedural Rules on committee procedure;
  • undertake to observe the Code as to Conduct and Local Protocol which is expected of Members/co-opted Members of the Council (failure to subscribe to such an undertaking within two months of appointment will result in the person ceasing to be a co-opted member);

 Although there are no financial rewards for serving as a PGR (you would be eligible to claim some expenses), you could expect: 

  • to gain personal satisfaction from engaging in an important public service;
  • to develop a better understanding of how your local authority takes strategic decisions. 

Further information about the People Overview Committee and contact details regarding election can be found on the Shropshire Council website  here ( governors).