How to access the service
Local Authority Commissioned/Core Criteria for Children and Young People 0-25 (seeĀ Local Offer).
The Local Authority may provide Educational Psychology support to schools/settings if the following criteria apply:
The Local Authority seeks Psychological Advice as part of the Education, Health and Care Planning process.
The Local Authority seeks Psychological Advice for the conversion of a Statement of Special Educational Needs to an Education, Health and Care Plan.
The Local Authority seeks advice to inform changes in placement or provision.
The child or young person is in care.
The child has additional needs and is aged between 0-5.
Critical Incident and Bereavement Response Support is available to schools following the sudden death of a staff member or pupil. In some cases this may include associated specialist casework.
The pupil requires specialist therapeutic provision which has been commissioned by the Local Authority.
In addition, schools and other settings can purchase a range of services including a range of therapeutic support. See our traded brochure for more information. The Form 1 - Request for involvement and Privacy Notice can be accessed via the links on the right.
Details of EPS training courses such as ELSA and No Worries can be found in the Training Courses section of this website or by contacting us