Recommendations in recent Ofsted inspections for childminders in Shropshire
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should:
Learning and development:
Establish relationships with staff at all settings children attend, to ensure a consistent approach to the support that children receive.
Provide children with even more opportunities to develop their understanding of the importance of healthy lifestyles.
Communication & language:
Support children to make choices and build on their existing knowledge to extend their communication skills even further.
- Strengthen the quality of interactions in group activities so that all children are consistently engaged in learning.
- Give children plenty of time to respond to questions and promote their thinking and language skills even more effectively.
- Improve the presentation and accessibility of books to further encourage children's interest and enjoyment of books.
Characteristics of effective teaching and learning:
Enhance opportunities for children to develop their critical thinking skills to enable them to start to problem solve.
Partnership working with parents:
- Extend the range of information shared with parents to help them support and extend their children's learning at home.*
- Enhance the use of further training opportunities to strengthen teaching skills and further enhance outcomes for children.*
*Recently added